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Breathwork 101 Mini Series

Breath Work is the Key to Changing so Many Areas of Your Life Including Better Health, More Energy, More Creativity, Decreased Anxiety, Clearing stored energy, and quieting that monkey mind so that you can quickly gain the full benefits of meditation!

Other benefits include

  • Sleeping better

  • Improved digestion

  • Decreased anxiety

  • Neural pathways

  • Releasing oxytocin

  • Serotonin

You will be amazed at how much better you will feel in all areas of your life, after consistently practicing the different breathwork techniques you are going to learn in this mini series. The breathwork used will allow you to take your power back over your own health, emotional well-being, mental well-being, and spiritual growth.

Em Hollis

Authentic Life Blueprint 

Are you ready to take your transformation to the deepest level yet?

The unique system used within my Blueprint will do just that. Using my proprietary blueprint that combines online learning, powerful daily and weekly breathwork meditations, aligned and specific actions steps, and an online community, you are able to get to the root of why you keep living out the same experiences in your life, unable to take all of the information you have and turn it into lasting transformation.

Women in my community are capable

The women in my community are able to do what years of talk therapy and even most coaches out there aren’t able to do….they are able to get to the roots and causes of their issues instead of only focusing on the branches as many spiritual teachings do.

The Authentic Life Blueprint goes to the depth of your default self

The Authentic Life Blueprint goes to the depths of your default self, freeing yourself from the conditioning that was given to you the first 7 years of your life and continuing to create your life in default mode.

Em Hollis

Create your future as your authentic life

The online teachings, the breathwork, the actions steps, and more importantly, the community all combine to create a powerful system that allows you to re-create your past, so that you can begin to consciously create your future as your authentic self.

Move out Stagnant Stuck Energy in your body

You will learn how to move out stagnant stuck energy in your body, the emotions, beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors that make up your default self, where this stored energy lives in your body,

How to work with and cultivate a relationship with your body so that you don’t have to keep trying to escape it with spiritual practices that don’t embrace the body, and most importantly, an exact blueprint that will give you tools and practices that you will use for the rest of your life….so that you never need another personal/spiritual growth course again for the rest of your life!




Ketamine Assisted Breathwork Retreats

The Art of Looking In- Connecting with the truth of who you really are

Mind and Body Blueprint Workshop
Monthly Online Soma Breathwork Intermediate Workshop

Monthly Online Soma Breathwork Intermediate Workshop

This Soma breathwork ceremony is specifically created for those that have experience with breathwork and are ready to skip the introduction! Each breathwork meditation will be uniquely created to take you on a deep inner journey, going further than you have ever gone before into the depths of your mind and body.
